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4 Things You Should Never, Ever Say If You Hope to Sell Your Home

4 Things You Should Never, Ever Say If You Hope to Sell Your Home


Have you ever had a conversation with a total stranger where you said something that you regret? If you are placing your house or condo on the market, you’re eventually going to end up having to chat with potential buyers. Yes, your real estate agent is likely to do most of the talking. However, you will still have to deal with buyers that want to grill you about the home’s history, condition and more. With that in mind, here are 4 things you should never, ever say if you hope to sell your home.

“We’re Not Accepting Offers Less Than…” (4 Things You Should Never, Ever Say If You Hope to Sell Your Home)


A good way to kill your sale and have a buyer walk away is to set a price floor on bids and offers. Even if the amount you are asking for is reasonable, many buyers will pass because they are offended that they’re being forced to bid above a certain price. Unless otherwise advised by your agent, it is best to let buyers feel in control of the offer process. You can always counter-offer later.


“Our House Has Been On The Market For…”


Stating how long your house has been on the market is rarely a good look. No matter how short or long the listing period has gone on for, buyers don’t need to know this. Moreover, if your home has been on the market for months, knowing that may scare potential buyers off.


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“We’ve Always Meant To Renovate That…” (4 Things You Should Never, Ever Say If You Hope to Sell Your Home)


If you were going to fix, improve or even clean something in your home, you probably would have done it before inviting potential buyers in. Your goal is to present the house you do have in the best possible light. Try to avoid pointing out areas that a buyer is going to need to renovate or invest in later.


4 things you should never, ever say if you want to sell your home

“We Need To Close The Sale By…”


The last thing you want to do is look desperate to close the sale and move on. Buyers and their agents are going to be looking for signs of weakness which will allow them to submit low-ball offers for your home. If you let on that you have to sell or move by some deadline, you can rest assured that you are not going to get as much when you sell.


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There you have it – four of the (many) things you should not say to potential buyers of your home. For more tips and advice about selling your home, or renting your home, contact our professional real estate team today. We are happy to help.


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