5 Things to Stop Being Scared of So You Can Become Successful and Financially Free



Financial planning is one area millions of people fail. They either think it’s too overwhelming or they don’t know where to start. With that said, here are 5 things to stop being scared of so you can become successful and financially free, starting right now.


We get it – it can be overwhelming and scary, but if you don’t take that first step, you’ll never reach the level of financial freedom you want. Being scared means you’re doing something outside your comfort zone, which often leads to personal growth. You have to take that first step if you want to have the financially secure personal finances you desire.


Here are our top 5 ways to become successful and financially free.


1.     Asking for a Raise or Promotion at Work


When’s the last time you asked for a raise or promotion that you deserve? Are you too afraid to do so?


Asking for that raise or promotion may be the first step to financial freedom. Time is money and working hard for less money than you deserve drains you. When you feel unappreciated or that you deserve more than you get, it’s easy to fail. Not because you want to, but because you put yourself in that mindset.


So how do you ask for that raise or promotion? Here are a few tips;


  • Time it right. Don’t ask your boss for a raise or promotion when he/she is in the middle of a crisis or in a bad mood. Find a time when things are good. If you’ve just accomplished something great and the boss noticed – that’s a wonderful time. While you can’t plan everything to the minute, choosing a happier time overall will yield better results.


  • Set up a meeting. Don’t just spring the idea on your boss. Ask for a sit-down meeting when you and your boss can sit down and have a serious conversation. Let him/her know you mean business and will do what it takes to get it.


  • Have proof/reasons. List out the reasons you think you deserve the raise or promotion. List out your successes and/or how you’ve helped the company succeed. Use as many figures and examples as possible.


  • Leave room for negotiation. Just because you have a number or position in your head that doesn’t mean your boss will agree. But, he/she may have other ideas that work too. Keep an open mind and a willingness to negotiate.



2.     Taking Advantage of Business Opportunities


Don’t be afraid of business opportunities that come your way. They could be the key to freeing your personal finances.


If an opportunity comes your way, consider it an invitation. It’s your opportunity to take advantage of something new. Don’t let the fear of failure or even failure of success get in the way. Some of the most successful ventures occur when people leap without thinking.


If you come across a business opportunity that speaks your name and lights you up, look at it closely. Create a plan and see what it would look like now and 5 or 10 years down the road. How much money would it cost you now? Do you have the time it would take to grow the opportunity while doing what you currently do? Is it something you could see yourself doing in a few years?


You never know when that business opportunity could take off and help you create the financial planning strategy that sets you free.


5 Things to Stop Being Scared of So You Can Become Successful and Financially Free

3.     Making Plans for the Future/Setting Goals


If you live only for today, you won’t get ahead. Making plans and setting goals helps you move forward. Living paycheck-to-paycheck, for example, is a way of living only for today.


Make plans and goals and write them down. Put them where you can see them and create the plans to make them a reality. Make short-term, mid-term, and long-term goals. You need things on your list that you can achieve quickly and get those ‘quick wins.’ That euphoria creates the momentum you need to keep going.


No one succeeds when they stick with the ordinary. You need to dream big – even if they seem impossible. Your dreams can’t come true unless you have them. Don’t hold yourself back, but rather let yourself dream.


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4.     Failing to Succeed  (5 Things to Stop Being Scared of So You Can Become Successful and Financially Free)


Fear holds you back from doing just about anything in life. If you think of the worst, that’s what will happen because you’ll never take the steps forward to succeed. Failing is okay. It’s a sign that you need to do things differently. If you use failure as a lesson – it’s valuable. If you let it set you back, it’s as bad as it sounds.


Some fear is good – healthy fear keeps you from making crazy investment decisions that would risk your house or life savings. Irrational fear, on the other hand, keeps you from dipping your toes in the water and taking that next step. You don’t have to be successful right away, but you do have to take that first step.


5.     Investing  (5 Things to Stop Being Scared of So You Can Become Successful and Financially Free)


Investing can be scary, but it can be powerful too. If you don’t invest, your money won’t grow or it will grow slowly with the meager earnings savings accounts and CDs offer.


If you want true personal finance freedom, investing must be a part of it. Start with these tips:


  • Learn as much as you can about investing
  • Set goals for your investments
  • Create a plan
  • Start small and work your way up as you get more confident
  • Look at the big picture and be in it for the long-term
  • Don’t make emotional decisions, but let things ride out


We don’t suggest making every change at once. Pick one area you struggle the most and take baby steps. See how easy it is to overcome your fears when you take the first step. As you see success with your personal finances, add onto it by conquering another fear.


We are all a work in progress – life is a journey filled with successes and failures. When we talk about both, we release the fear they create and financial planning suddenly becomes easier and a normal part of life rather than something that makes you run away and hide. Take control of your finances today and watch yourself succeed.


4 thoughts on “5 Things to Stop Being Scared of So You Can Become Successful and Financially Free”

  1. Everything is very open with a precise clarification of the issues. It was really informative. Your website is extremely helpful. Thanks for sharing!

    • Anonymous

      October 20, 2022

      Thank you!

    • wssequitygroup

      July 19, 2023

      You’re very welcome. Glad you enjoy the post!


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