How to Live the Life You Want with the Money You Have

how to live the life you want with the money you have

Having an ample amount of money is always a good thing. It’s a great feeling to have the money to buy anything that fascinates you. But should a person have materialistic desires and live in the delusion that only wealth makes him happy? The answer is no. While wealth certainly makes a person acquire comfort, some people have a fortune and still are not happy.

Every one of us needs to understand that money does not make a person happy. Living frugally and being content with what you have will certainly affect your life in a good way and will make you more thankful and happy. To help make you more happy and thankful, here are a few tips to consider.

Make Yourself the Top Priority!

The constant struggle for money and worrying about getting more of it will rob you of happiness. There are other important things in your life that you should be worrying about. Your health matters the most, so take care of yourself. Meditation will help you feel healthy both physically and mentally and it won’t even cost a dime.

ED O’MALLEY and AMANDA CEBULA in their book ‘Your Leadership Edge’, stated that you should not see the cost of taking care of yourself, instead you should consider the cost of not taking care of yourself. The results can be devastating for a person. You can opt for walking, jogging, gardening, reading a book, yoga, meditation, and many such activities that require zero money!

Realizing the Importance of Time  (How to Live the Life You Want with the Money You Have)

Imagine you get to know that you only have a few days to live. What will your priorities be then? Will  you still worry about money or will you spend that time with the people close to you? Stop worrying about your expenses and just live in the moment. To your family, you are the thing they cherish the most. It doesn’t matter to them if they did not get any branded goods or the vacation to the Bahamas. To them, you have the most significance. So, keep it that way.

A recent survey conducted among the students of the University of British Columbia asked students whether they prioritize money over time or vice versa. The results were not surprising as most of the students chose time over money. But the ratio did not have much difference as almost 40% of the students prioritize money. To get into the depth of this survey, researchers measured students’ happiness levels before graduation and a year after it. Results showed that the students who prioritized money ended up less happy compared to their classmates who chose time after one year of graduation.

This doesn’t conclude that you should never strive to earn more or look forward to your bonuses. There are many examples of wealthier people being happy and content with their life. The survey just puts the other side of the coin that it’s not inevitable that only money can make you happy.


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Budgeting – Personal Financial Management

Sometimes, people spend on things they don’t even need which crumbles their budget. We suggest you create a budget for the expenses of the month and stick to it. This way you will save more money than ever and then you can use it to have some extra fun. A study at ResearchGate suggests that sticking to the budget will make you feel more comfortable with expenses and will eventually lift up your mood as well making you happy in the process. It will also give you a bit of financial freedom so you don’t have to worry about the extra vacation expense anymore. It also gives you control of your life and will assist you greatly in your personal financial management.


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how to live the life you want with the money you have

Consider the Non-Tangibles  (How to Live the Life You Want with the Money You Have)

Some people think that they can only have fun if they have the money. But we are here to put an end to this thought. You can have fun by playing games with your friends, watching movies together or even walking at night. You can create great memories with simple things. Good friends are one of the most precious people in your life and they can change your perception of happiness. So, if you got these gems in your life, don’t ever be a reason to make them leave your side. Relationships, love, friendship, along having dreams and goals in your life are the most precious things.

Being ambitious and following your dreams will make you busy and will keep you happy and away from anxiety and depression. When the hard work you put into those goals bears fruit, it will make you proud of yourself. The more content you feel with yourself, the more you will be happy. You need to understand that money isn’t everything. Time is more valuable than money and you should learn to use it efficiently. Working towards financial independence is a good thing but losing yourself in the process is worse.

Share with us: How do you live the life you want with the money you have? Let us know in the comments below.


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13 thoughts on “How to Live the Life You Want with the Money You Have”

  1. Everything is very open with a precise clarification of the issues. It was really informative. Your website is extremely helpful. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Itís hard to come by knowledgeable people for this subject, but you sound like you know what youíre talking about! Thanks

    • sher

      October 20, 2022

      Thank you!

  3. Daw Marie

    January 29, 2023

    This a great article! Yes, it is important that we understand that true happiness is not dependent on external factors but rather comes from within. Take time out to be grateful for the little things and it will amaze you how much happier you are just by being grateful!


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