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Five Proven Ways to Gain Self-Discipline

5 proven ways to gain self-discipline

While numerous essential qualities can contribute to your happiness and achievements, there is only one that will ensure long-term success in all aspects of your life, and that is self-discipline. Self-discipline is the number one trait that you need to accomplish your goals. Self-discipline is a learned behavior that requires practice and repetition. Here are five proven ways to gain self-discipline and achieve your goals.


the power of self discipline

#1 – Remove Temptations

Removing all distractions and temptations from your environment is a crucial step when trying to improve your self-discipline. Set yourself up for success by getting rid of the bad influences in your life. If you’re trying to eat healthier, get rid of the junk food. If you want to improve your focus at work, remove the clutter from your desk and turn your cell phone off.


#2 – Eat Healthy Foods and Eat Regularly

Numerous studies have shown that low blood sugar can result in your resolve becoming weakened. When you’re hungry, your ability to concentrate suffers because your brain isn’t able to function at its highest potential. Not only does hunger make it challenging to focus, but it also makes you pessimistic.


#3 – Don’t Wait for it to “Feel Right”

For you to improve your self-discipline, you have to change up your usual routine. This can be extremely uncomfortable and awkward, and your brain will resist the change in favor of what it has already been programmed to do. You need to acknowledge that it will take a while for the new routine to feel right, but you need to keep moving forward if you want to improve your self-discipline.


#4 – Schedule Breaks and Reward Yourself

Giving yourself zero wiggle room will increase your chances of failure. While practicing your self-control, be sure to give yourself breaks, and reward yourself for your accomplishments. Improving your self-discipline can be hard, so reward yourself for your efforts to keep your motivation high.


#5 – Forgive Yourself (Five Proven Ways to Gain Self-Discipline)

Implementing a new way of thinking isn’t always going to go according to your plan. You will have successes and failures. The key to improving your self-discipline is continuing to move forward, even in the face of setbacks and challenges. Forgive yourself and get back to moving forward. The longer you’re off your game, the harder it is going to be to continue moving in a positive direction.


Related Post:  How to develop time management skills 


five proven ways to gain self-discipline


Conclusion (Five Proven Ways to Gain Self-Discipline)


These five proven methods for gaining self-discipline will help you to break bad habits, establish good ones and improve your self-control. Having improved self-discipline will allow you to live a freer life by helping you make healthier choices. Practice these techniques daily and soon you will see that what once was a challenge for you has now become a part of your every day life.



P.S.  If you would like to purchase the eBook on ‘The Power of Self-Discipline” check it out here.  In this eBook we dive into a deeper understanding that gives you a practical framework on how to practice and develop self-discipline so you can become more successful in all areas of your life.

the power of self discipline

3 thoughts on “Five Proven Ways to Gain Self-Discipline”

    • wssequitygroup

      July 19, 2023

      A few simple action steps can create massive discipline over time.

      • wssequitygroup

        July 19, 2023

        We cannot change the circumstances but we can change our mindset


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