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How Budgeting Helps Lower Your Debt

how budgeting helps lower your bills


Debt is hard to deal with and it’s even worse when you struggle with paying your bills with the income you have each month. It can cause a lot of stress when you have more expenses at the end of the month than you do income. Learn more on how budgeting helps lower your debt and release the stress you may have when it comes to money.

Your budget will help you identify where your money is going and what you can eliminate so you can have more money to apply to your debt. Even the smallest amount of money will help you to lower your debt. Before we dive into how budgeting can help lower your debts, let us discuss a few tips to help you gain control over your debts.

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Pay More Than The Minimum Due

When you’re trying to lower your debt the best thing to do is pay more than the minimum payment each month so that more of your payment goes towards your principal than it goes to interest. The more money you can apply to the payment each month the quicker that debt will be paid off.

Once you pay one bill off you need to apply that amount to the next bill so your payments are larger and that one can get paid off quicker. You continue this process until all your debt paid off.

Now let us take a look at how budgeting can help you lower your debt.

Only Spend What You Have (How Budgeting Helps Lower Your Debt)

A huge part of  lowering your debt is to plan things through your budget. Don’t over extend yourself each month by purchasing unnecessary things. When you only spend what you have you won’t have the need to use your credit cards for purchases.

There would be no need to max out your cards to pay your monthly bills and you won’t have to overdraw your account to pay the bills. Once you have a budget created you will know what you need to do to lower your debt. If necessary, you may find that a second income is what you need to make this happens. A second job or a way to make extra money may be all you need to get out of debt.

It may take you a few months or a few years, but you can make it happen once you have an idea of your financial situation. This will not happen until you create a budget.

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Include All Expense and Income On Your Budget

Including everything in your budget is highly recommended. You are only hurting yourself when you avoid listing things because you don’t want to think about them. It may be hard to think about those things, but you must do it so you can get a grip on your debt and lower it for good.

Hugely populated reason for a budget was to keep track of the amount of money you pay each month for your bills, but that’s not the only use for them anymore.


The Importance of Having a Budget

A budget will help you know where you sit with your money and what it will take to get some of your debt paid off in full. You’ll know how you’re going to do it and what it is going to take to put them into action. Therefore, keeping track of your income and expenses will help you when it comes to paying bills, saving money, and having the ability to do extra things. When you keep track of your income and expenses you will have the ability to make changes so you can allocated extra funds towards your debt that you might not otherwise be able to do.


Controlling You Money (How Budgeting Helps Lower Your Debt)

If you have no idea where your money is going you won’t be able to control it. This includes being able to control things, eliminate things, and you won’t be able to do the extra things you desire. Vacations won’t happen and you’ll struggle and stress if your vehicle breaks down or your basement floods. If you’ve tried to manage your budget in your head you may have found it didn’t work too well. That is because you can not remember how you spent every penny and more than likely you can not remember how much every bill is.

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Two Techniques to Consider for Budget Tracking

There are two techniques you can consider when you are trying to track your income and expenses.

1. Pencil and Paper

Using a pencil and paper is one way to track everything. You will have access to it at all times, and you will not have to worry about losing it if the power goes out or your computer were to crash. It will be easy to make changes as well. Regular paper can be used for this task or you can purchase paper specifically designed for keeping track of your income and expenses. They also have paper books that are for this task as well.

2. Computer Program

Using a computer program is very efficient and worth the time it takes to add the income and expenses to the program. It may take time to create and work each time, but it will be worth it when you avoid mistakes. A computer program allows you the ability to create charts to help you put your income and expenses into categories which will help you know where you can make changes.

For example, if you spend a lot of money on eating out, you can put this in as a category and you’ll know how much you’re spending so you can make changes. When you consider both of these options and you figure out which one will work for you you’ll see the stress go away and you won’t have to worry about your income and expenses.

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how budgeting helps lowering your debt

Bottom Line (How Budgeting Helps Lower Your Debt)

Debt is hard to deal with and it is even worse when you struggle with paying your bills with the income you have each month. It can cause a lot of stress when you have more expenses at the end of the month than you do income.

Creating a budget provides the ability to make changes when you need to and you will know at all times where your income and expenses sit.

Having control of every aspect of your income and expenses without the stress of trying to remember it by heart is a great feeling.

The likelihood of errors would be slim and you will find the changes you’ll be able to make will be priceless.  As you begin to master the budget you have created for you and your family you will begin to see areas that you can lower or eliminate unnecessary ongoing charges and these funds can now be allocated toward bringing down your debt. Soon you will be debt-free and you will also have a budget you can stick to. This will help you avoid future debt.


Share in the comments below. What are your thought on creating a budget?



Learn More

P.S.  A huge part of creating and sticking to a budget has to do with self discipline.  Many people would love to finally take control of their finance and eliminate money stress from their lives but they simply lack the will-power to do so.

If you or someone you know is struggling in this area and would like to change the situation then you must grab hold of our eBook, The Power of Self-Discipline, which guides you in the ability to do what you have to do when you have to do it, whether you feel like it or not. This is a must-read for those looking to master self-discipline. Grab access here.

the power of self discipline

5 thoughts on “How Budgeting Helps Lower Your Debt”

    • wssequitygroup

      July 19, 2023

      Once you create a budget you can see what bills need to be eliminated and where you can re-direct those additional fund.

    • wssequitygroup

      July 19, 2023

      A budget helps you see how much your are earning and where you are spending that money.


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