How to Declutter Your Surfaces and Declutter Your Brain

how to declutter your surfaces and your brain


In many ways, the state of your home is a reflection of the state of your mind. What’s more is that this correlation can work the other way around too – so that the state of your mind ends up mirroring the state of your home. Read more to learn how to declutter your surfaces and declutter your brain.

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How Does This Work? (Declutter Your Surfaces and Your Brain)

Well, when we are very busy and rushed, we often find that we do not have time to keep our home tidy and in order. As a result, it ends up looking a mess and we struggle to find things in the morning. On the other hand, when we are on top of things we find that we are able to organize our belongings in a logical manner and stay on top of where everything is. We become more calm and at peace with our selves and our surroundings.

So with that in mind, one of the very best ways to go about improving your calm and focus is to start by getting your home organized.

The absolute best best way to do that is to throw out unnecessary items and minimize the clutter in your home. When your home is free from clutter, so will your brain!


The Problem With Ornaments

Most of us have several ornaments and other items in our home that we keep because we think they look nice. They adorn our tables and cupboards and other surfaces and for the most part look good. But the problem is, the more we get, the more claustrophobic we start to feel.  Light can’t move as freely around the room and we just end up feeling very busy and very stressed due to the amount of information that is there to take in. What’s worse, the more we have on our surfaces, the more there is to clean and tidy. This ends up resulting in our surfaces getting more and more untidy.


What to do About It (How to Declutter Your Surfaces)

So what do you do? The first tip is to go through your things and to just dispose of 60% of anything on a surface.

That sounds like an extreme challenge but in doing this you will now be left with a much higher average quality of item remaining. What is left will only be things you really love and value. Moreover, having fewer items now means that tidying up is a matter of just wiping around – there is nothing to pick up and nothing to attract dust of its own.

Do not put these things in boxes however. In fact, dispose of boxes under the bed and in closets too. You’d be surprised what a huge difference this makes in your home being clean and tidy.


Decluttering Is Important for Self care

Decluttering not only makes it easier to find what you’re looking for, it can also improve your mood and state of mind. As you go through the process of decluttering, you feel a sense of freedom and liberation. It’s a reclaiming of a sense of mastery and control.  You  feel more competent and efficient. This in turn boost your self-confidence, which is a huge part of self care.


Related Post: Why You Should Keep a Journal


how to declutter your surfaces and your brain

Bottom Line (How to Declutter Your Surfaces)

In many ways, the state of your home is a reflection of the state of your mind. What’s more is that this correlation can work the other way around too – so that the state of your mind ends up mirroring the state of your home.  Therefore, as you begin to declutter the space around you, you become more confident in your abilities and you feel more competent and in control. As this reflection works on your mind, it shows up in your home as well.

Share with us in the comments below. How do you declutter your home?




P.S.  Grab your copy of the amazing eBook, Scaling Back, which focuses on de-cluttering your life and creating one of peace and tranquility.  Learn more here.

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