Top Reasons to Consider Cutting Back on Television

top reasons to consider cutting back on watching televisionThe vast majority of us walk around in a state that can be described as ‘wired but tired’. That is to say that we are constantly alert, jittery and focused. We’ve spent all day focused on work, on a screen, or on some other kind of technology, and we find it very hard to switch off. Keep reading to learn more on the top reasons to consider cutting back on television.

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The Difficulty of Cutting Back on Television

At the same time, we’re also burned out from this experience and find it difficult to switch off and relax. It’s like you’re a zombie being kept alive on pure caffeine and technology – unable to sleep.

But the problem is that we don’t seem to recognize this. Or at least we don’t recognize the nature of the problem or how to fix it. And as such, we end up making matters worse for ourselves.

For example: if you’ve spent all day working at the computer and you can’t switch off as a result, the last thing you want to do is to then come home and watch another screen. That’s right: I’m talking about the TV and it’s time you cut back!


The Problem With TV

The problem with TV is that it causes us to experience a stress response, very similar to the one that we experience when we’re working or doing anything else that requires lots of focus. The reason for this is firstly that watching TV requires a lot of focus and energy. It’s a moving image that tricks your brain into thinking something important is happening.

Your brain produces dopamine and norepinephrine as a result and you end up fixed to the screen. At the same time, the screen itself also increases cortisol.

When you watch the TV, the light that gets produced is very similar to the light created by the sun. As such, your brain thinks it’s day and prevents you from feeling sleepy later on.

Worse, the TV prevents you from talking with family, from letting your mind wander or from just kicking back and relaxing. You’re still ‘on’ right up to the moment you go to bed and you’re missing out on everything around you!

The Answer (Top Reasons to Consider Cutting Back on Television)

The solution is to cut back. That doesn’t mean that you have to cut out TV entirely but just learn how to watch it less and how to avoid the kind of ‘mindless’ TV watching that you really don’t need. Watch things because you want to watch them and make it into an event.

This could include documentaries on many topic of interest, such as world history, how science works, inventions, medicine, and many more.

Instead of feeling like you are wasting time you would be learning some great information on topics you were not familiar with.  This in turn increases your communication skills and self confidence since you can now have intelligent conversations on that particular topic.

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Relaxing Activities to Do Instead (Consider Cutting back on Television)

But everything needs to be done with a sense of balance. Therefore you can spend time watching documentaries but you should also find other ways to relax and be present in the moment.  These includes activities such as going for a walk, cooking, crafting, painting, cross-word puzzle, drinking tea, reading books, etc. So the next time you find yourself aimlessly reaching for the remote, consider one of the activities above that interest you instead. Who knows. Maybe in time you will find a new hobby or skill that you might even turn into a side hustle!


top reasons to consider cutting back on watching TV

Related Post:  Why You Should Keep a Journal

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P.S.  Whether  you feel like your life is running at far too fast a pace or stress is mounting up and becoming unbearable, there are many reasons for people to feel unhappy even in situations where it doesn’t seem like you would have any reason to be….

If this is you, grab a copy of our eBook, Scaling Back, and learn how to finally de-clutter your life and create one of peace, balance and tranquility instead.

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