Why Energy Management is Often More Important Than Time Management

why energy management is important

What’s the secret to getting as much done as possible? For many of us, the answer seems like it should have to do with time management. If only you could squeeze a little more time out of your day. Then you could probably find more space in your schedule to do all those other exciting things you want to do. If you want to learn more on why energy management is often more important than time management then keep reading.

scaling back

What’s the secret to getting as much done as possible?

The most extreme example of this is something called ‘polyphasic sleeping’.

For example, people who want to absolutely optimize the amount they can get done would actually stop sleeping for 8 hours a night.

Instead, they aim to sleep for under an hour a time throughout the day. In doing so, they are then able to spend less total time sleeping and get more time to themselves during the evening. Only one problem? They’re exhausted. And this really is the problem with most attempts at time management.


Time is Not the Problem

Ask yourself why you haven’t done all the things you want to do. Such as why haven’t you set up that side business? or keep the house tidier?

Why haven’t you gotten into the shape you want to be? You might assume that the answer is related to time but in fact it’s much more likely that it’s to do with energy.

In fact, if you look back over the last few days, then you’ll probably find that you had no shortage of time available.

Perhaps you spent some time watching TV? Maybe you spent some time getting up slowly in the morning? Furthermore, you take a while getting started at work.


Understanding Energy Management

All of that is time that you could have spent doing the other things that you wanted to do. So what’s the problem?

The problem is that you simply lacked the energy to do those things and you lacked the will power. And guess what? Will-power is related directly to energy. The more tired you are, the harder it is to convince yourself to do things you’re not really in the mood for.

And what all this means is that you’re not going to be productive to your fullest until you learn to manage and optimize your energy levels.

Energy is finite and you need to think hard about how you’re going to get the most from yourself without burning out. Perhaps the best place to start is by looking at activities, foods and other things that can help boost your energy levels!


How to Boost your Energy Level

Many factors influence your energy levels, but some lifestyle factors have greater impact than others. Our energy levels are a combination of genetics, sleep, and exercise.  Many believe the largest influences may be your diet. Luckily for us, we have a significant amount of control over our diet and lifestyle factors that play a role in boosting energy levels. This is good news because we can boost our energy with personalized nutrition and lifestyle changes.


Some changes to incorporate include, drinking plenty of water to stay hydrated. You should also avoid ultra-processed foods. These are most often loaded with high amounts of added sugar, salt, unhealthy fats, and chemical additives. Instead eat more whole foods to improve your energy levels and reserve those ultra-processed sugary foods for the occasional treat.

Exercise is another great form of boosting energy level. Regular physical activity is highly recommended for overall health and wellness, but this also boost your energy and helps with diminishing fatigue. Exercise also impacts your sleep in a positive way and adequate sleep also boost your energy level.

Finally, being able to manage stress also aides in increased energy.  Removing stress completely from your daily life is certainly not realistic. However, addressing your stress levels with positive coping behaviors is paramount to long-term health. Stress is part of everyday life and easier to address for some than others. Seek out your own personal method to manage stress and in turn boost your energy level.

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energy management is more important than time management

Bottom Line (Why Energy Management is Important)

Energy management is often more important than time management.  You may have all the time in the world but if you do not have the energy to take action you will get nothing done.  It is therefore very important for you to focus on maintaining a high energy level in order to accomplish your task.

You can change your energy levels by changing your lifestyle. Limit ultra-processed foods, reduce alcohol, and quit smoking.

To boost your energy, prioritize your sleep, water intake, and physical activity, and identify the best methods for you to cope with stress. Eating the right foods to feed your body can also positively impact how much energy you have.

Share with us, how do you maintain a high energy level? Write your comments below.


Related Source: joinzoe.com


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