3 Key Ways Driverless Cars Are Reshaping How We Design Our Homes

3 ways driverless cars are reshaping how we design our homes

Are you ready for the coming shift to driverless cars? While it might seem like some sort of futuristic vision, the truth is that driverless vehicles will be on the road within a few short years. Let us explore 3 key ways driverless cars are reshaping how we design our homes in the very near future.

What is a Driverless Car (Reshaping How we Design Our Homes)

A driverless care (self-driving car), is also known as an autonomous or robotic car. This type of car incorporates vehicular automation. This is a vehicle that is capable of sensing its environment and moving safely with little or no human input. At the moment, fully autonomous vehicles does not exist. Though some automakers and technology companies are getting closer and closer to coming out with fully autonomous vehicles, they are still years away. Many predicts this will change very soon. Here are 3 key ways driverless cars are reshaping how we design our homes.

#1: Goodbye, Garages

It might seem a bit strange to think about now, but many people are likely to get rid of their cars entirely. Car ownership is expected to shift to entrepreneurs and services who offer vehicles for on-demand use. We are already starting to see this transition take place. This is especially so with city dwellers who are getting used to Uber, Lyft and other ride-sharing services. So, if you do not own a car, having a garage attached to your house does not make much sense. Consider the many uses that a family can get from the space currently occupied by a garage full of cars. Your house footprint can be that much bigger, or you can convert that area into more yard space.

#2: Get Used To Smaller Streets And More Efficient Land Use

The second significant change you are going to see is a complete re-imagining of how we design and use our streets. Fewer people will own cars that need to be parked along the side of the street. Also, self-driving cars can move elsewhere for storage when they’re not needed. This combination will allow city planners to thin streets. This will in turn free up land use for bike lanes, boulevards or larger yard areas. If you are the type that enjoys having a beautiful big front lawn, the coming shift to driverless cars will benefit you.

#3: More Space Means More Green Space

Finally, expect to see a lot more green space around your house in the future. You will have more space for landscaping, flower beds, gardens, trees and other yard fixtures. Even if you do end up owning a driverless car in the future, it’s likely to be electric. There are just two substantial commitment you will need to make. Do you need a charging plug and wall fixture or a large ground pad that the car sits on when it needs to top off the batteries.

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3 key ways driverless cars are reshaping our homes

Bottom Line (3 Key Ways Driverless cars are Reshaping How we Design our Homes)

There are few who doubt that driverless cars are going to cause a major shift in how we live, work and move from place to place. Therefore, if you are looking to take advantage of this shift with your next home, then contact your local sales agent.  They will be happy to answer all your questions.


Related Article: Top Autonomous Vehicles   (3 Key Ways Driverless Cars are Reshaping How we Design our Homes)

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